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We Can Help With IRS Lien Subordination
[fl_builder_insert_layout id=”15844″ type=”fl-builder-template”] SELECT SERVICESYes, We Can Help With IRS Lien Subordination
[fl_builder_insert_layout id=”15844″ type=”fl-builder-template”] SELECT SERVICESHow Does a Lien Subordination Work?
The IRS will subordinate the lien to allow other creditors to be ahead of them in order for you to obtain a loan or mortgage. If you need to refinance your house or do a loan modification you will need to request a lien subordination before the lender will refi your house. The lien desk will take 45-60 days to review the request. Therefore, do not put it off until the last minute because you will not meet the lender’s deadline.
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The Tax Defense Group – Offering a full range of Tax Relief, Tax Preparation and Tax Audit Services
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Contact our Experts to Discuss your Tax Debt
Contact our team of professionals about your setting up a Lien Subordination or find out more about how we can help you resolve your tax debt.